Thursday, January 22, 2009

Bonus for next week! (And Prize talk)

We are coming up on the last week of our January challenge. I hope all of you are feeling good and having fun. I would like to encourage you to share your ups and down on the blog, if you feel like it. Sometimes it helps to hear others' successes and stumbles, so we know we are all trying together. My big stumbling block is the no sweets point. I think I've only gotten it about 5 times this whole month! I just have a big sweet tooth, I guess. The exercise points have also been a little hard for me now that I am entering my third trimester. I just feel like I don't have any energy for anything extra. BUT, two weeks ago I found out there was a pre-natal yoga class in my area. It has been so much fun, and has shown me some things that I can still do to keep my body working, but not over do it.
SO, if any of you are feeling a little discouraged as you look at your chart and see a bunch of empty squares in one line, we have decided to give you a little extra incentive this last week. Pick the point that is the hardest for you to get, and during the last week any time you qualify for that point you get double points! So, if the no sweets point is hard for you too, you could pick that as your hard one, and then any day you make it through without sneaking something out of the candy cupboard, you get 2 points instead of just one. Hopefully that will motivate us to work a little harder this last week! :)

Also, as we are winding down, Laurie and I have been discussing prizes. (Wahoo! Are you excited?) We have what we think are some good ideas, but would love your input. (Especially since we will have prizes all through the year!) So, if you have any good ideas, or prizes to donate, or can donate a dollar, or two, or ten, ;) please let us know. :) Thanks!!!

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